In accordance with the QS system, a cross-company quality assurance system, our quality objectives and responsibilities are precisely defined.
The advantages of the so-called QS system can be divided into the categories money, time and quality. This system helps the company to introduce a quality culture in which every employee knows what his or her part in it is. In the long term, this will lead to assured and increasing quality and also to increased customer satisfaction. Through transparently documented processes almost every step can be optimized, which reduces costs for our customers. Possible risks are minimized, causes of errors are quickly determined and eliminated, securing documentation ensures that know-how and knowledge are preserved – work processes are preserved.
Thanks to this quality of our services, we achieve all processes during production by planning all necessary measures before and during order processing as well as by monitoring and providing evidence. At Protocast we guarantee our customers first-class quality assurance & logistics.
In addition to the production of high-quality die-cast products and prototypes, we are also happy to be your direct contact for all consulting questions.